This film talks about Mahamed and Zakaria, two migrands who arrived in Lampedusa in 2008 from Eritrea and Somalia. They were completely stripped of their identity, actually it was by number that they were recognized, not by name. In 2012 they managed to return in Lampedusa and to visit the same places of four years before seeing them from another perspective, and claiming back their past as active individuals. The film by Mario Badagliacca follows them in two days, tracing back their past trip.
One year after the tragedy of October 3, in which 366 migrants lost their lives a few miles from the island of Lampedusa, despair, confusion and anger are still alive in those who were there.These feelings are affecting not only survivors (who were 155) but also, and most of all, inhabitans of Lampedusa who feel abandoned by institutions and by UE.
This video made by LiberaEspressioneWebTv shows some moments and some reactions that occurred on the day of commemoration of the tragedy:
Tens of people protested peacefully in front of the airport of Lampedusa, where Laura Boldrini and Martin Schulz were holding a meeting. The common thinking is that italian politicians do not care at all about people that die in their desperate journeys toward Europe (through landing in Lampedusa) but that their interest is only one way to show off and to access European funds. From the other side, EU's credibility is lacking and the only ones that are suffering, living, and sharing this situation are actually Lampedusa's inhabitants and (most of all!) migrants.
How would you behave if you were a resident of Lampedusa? Would you feel abandoned by authorities? Would you blame migrants or politicians' decisions?
No more Mare Nostrum. The new operation planned by UE is called Tritonand it is going to have one third of the financial resources, only six boats, two airplanes and one helicopter. The most disconcerting fact is that Triton will be effective only in the first 50 kilometers from the italian shores. This means that Triton will be less effective with respect to Mare Nostrum, if "effective" means the committment to save lives. It is thought to have been designed as a deterrent for future migrants, and even if some of them will decide to leave, the probability to receive help and to be saved is very low. The subliminal message seems to be : "Do not even leave, it is dangerous. It is better for you to give up". Does this mean that UE turned her back on migrants? The answer is unclear and confused. By now, the only truth is that diminishing resources, the situation certainly does not improve.